Run #75 – The Wan Song Ling Run Rehashed

The pack assembled at the corner of wansongling road and zhonghe nan road, but by 4.15pm, the hares still had not returned.  Someone phoned Sheep shagger and he reported that since he and mudlark were running late, they’d be CATCHING A CAB BACK!  That kicked off the whole laundry list of offences the hares had committed.  Punctuality not withstanding, they had taken alternative modes of transport (other than their legs) to set the trail.   secondly they managed to set an entire trail without the use of flour as a sheepish shagger confessed to forgetting to bring any for – Mudlark helpfully told us “look on the lamp posts and trees for chalk marks on the hills”
(uh Trailmaster, are you reading this? we need more stringent standards of hash-setting here!)
And with that, the pack set off for the run.

Within the first ten minutes of the run, we lost Vulva Voyeur and a new hashman Mosquito (not his hash name).  Tsk tsk – apparently they didn’t see the CB and RG signs hidden underneath some parked cars as well as 7 other hashers spreaded out calling for them.
With 2 missing, the rest of the pack continued and the trail led into Fenghuang shan -which seems to have some sort of ferocious dog stationed every 100m of the way.  A couple of the ferocious canines blocked our path and growled menacingly at the advancing intruders.  Our pack were suitably intimidated – even though Sevenup did her best impression of a werewolf baying at the full moon.
Having somehow frightened away the dogs, the pack continued onward on a relatively flat ridge , down a series of steps and finished the trail in high spirits via a nice long sprint down Wansongling Road.

Sheepshagger and mudlark were appropriately rewarded with downdowns for their litany of haring crimes, vulva voyeur and mosquito for having misplaced themselves. Kudos to sheep shagger for his effort in finding exotic hash locales as impeccable taste in selecting excellent, cheap, hole-in-the wall restaurants as always.

Finally, a boisterous action-packed rendition of sweet chariots for the scribe’s last hangzhou hash run for the forseeable future.   Yours truly has fond memories of the first ever hash run she has ever been on. Run #2 was held at the now defunct Paradise restaurant.  Reading that run report brings a tear to my eye.  In fact, i’m downright weeping at my computer right now as i am typing up this hash report.  The runners then: Big Bang theory (left), Little Drunken Apple(left), Pushup Bra (left), Bottom Feeder(left), Carlos (left) and Doggie Style (last spotted him in maya 2 days ago attempting to make me drunk – he succeeded).

Fast forward and it is now Run #75 – where did all that time go – oh i know – lots of drinking, waking up with hangovers, long hikes with crappy picture maps, and oh, occasionally a little running.  It has definitely been a memorable 2 years in Hangzhou.


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