HASH #244-HZH3

2020-08-22 @ 15:15

HZH Hash #244-HZH3

We’re back next weekend for a BIRTHDAY HASH! Join Box Opener and Sergeant Jockstrap as they celebrate their SAME birthday two days early in Liangzhu:

Meetup Point: 星巴克良渚文化村店/Xingbake Liangzhu Wenhuacundian (We’ll meet at the food court here with Starbucks as an easy landmark)

Date: Saturday, August 22, 2020

Time: 3:15PM (chalk talk); 3:30PM (Hash). Note the later start time to account for the recent extreme heat.

Hash Cash: 20 RMB

Getting there: Take Line 2 (orange) to it’s northwesternmost end point (Liangzhu). From there, bike, Didi, or walk the remaining two kilometers to the starting point.

Note: this will be an A-A walk/run. No need to carry your bags!

Haberdashery: We have quite a few shirts ready for pickup! Come and get them at the Hash!

We’re always looking for Hares! Contact Box Opener or Purple Pill if you’re interested.

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