HZH3 Hash #137 – “The Big Tea Fields 大茶田 and Big Trees 大树 Run”

Hello again HZH3 Hashers and those who want to be,

Whether you’re a runner 跑步者, a jogger 慢跑者 or a walker 走步/爬山者, come along and hit the convoluted roads and twisting forest trails while chasing the “hares” through the tea fields and over the hills around Hangzhou with us. 都欢迎大家!

HZH3 Hash #137 Location!!!

HZH3 Hash #135 Trails

Shanghai Taiping Hash visit to Hangzhou

Here are the details of HZH3 Hash #137 – “The Big Tea Fields 大茶田 and Big Trees 大树 Run”: 

This course is guaranteed (?) 95% suitable for cross-country baby strollers (click for image)!!!

中文 Chinese 豆瓣 (Douban) link:   http://www.douban.com/event/21348170/

Date 活动日期: Saturday, 19 Apr 2014 – 周六, 2014年4月19日

Time 见面时间: Meet 见面时间 at 14:30 (2.30pm) – Hash run/walk starts 出发时间 at 15:00 (3pm) sharp!

Start Location 出发地点: We will start the #137 HZH3 Hash at Shi Wei Xian Farmhouse Restaurant  (食为鲜酒家) at 205 MaoJiaBu (茅家埠205号) near the S-E corner of the intersection of MeiLing North Road and the JiQing Shan Tunnel entrance (在 梅灵北路 和 吉庆山隧道进口 交界口的东南方向). Google Map (click link – It’s at the “P” in the middle) and Baidu Map 百度地图 (click link 食为鲜)

Hares: Sweet FA & H.E.I.D.E.

Cost 费用: 20RMB – Covers: run/walk, beer and snacks. 包括: 跑步/爬山,啤酒,小吃.

Bus 交通: Bus info will be posted soon! 等一会儿!!! But, why not beat the traffic jams and ride a bike?

After the #137 Hash we’ll have the “Circle” to award down downs (beer provided 免费啤酒) for transgressions of Hash etiquette or protocol, errors of judgement, and various other misdemeanours, and then everyone is invited to join us for the Bash (dinner 晚餐). NOTE: The Bash has a separate cost. 注意:晚餐是另一个费用.

You can expect HZH3 Hash runs roughly (or sometimes VERY roughly… if the hares had a big night out on the night before…) every other Saturday (i.e. fortnightly) and both runners’ and walkers’ trails will usually be set.

See the Receding Hareline page for initial details on future events. 看我们未来的活动.

It’s fun, it’s social, it’s healthy (mostly…), so come along and be a part of it!!!

HZH3 Hash #135 Circle

On! On!

Hangzhou Hash House Harriers (HHHH / HZH3) Mismanagement
HZH3 Email:  mismanagement [AT] hangzhou-hhh.org
HZH3 Website:  http://www.hangzhou-hhh.org/
HZH3 Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/2463557978/
HZH3 Twitter:  https://twitter.com/HZH3

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