#17 The Lingyin Temple Run Rehashed

Hares – Pelagic and Bottomfeeder 

Sunday, with fine misty rain all day, would have kept the hares guessing as to turnout, trailmarking durability, catering and timing, let alone issues of trail. So It followed that Yvonne, Caris, Phone Box, Doggie and scribe were joined by virgins Ernie, Luis and Carlos, other runners apparently dissuaded by the less than conducive weather. Hares Pelagic and Bottom Feeder returned looking a bit crestfallen as to the run they had set, fearing a Far Cup presentation. To head off any later critique of their run marking skills, the hares gave the pack a variety of convoluted descriptions of bamboo, tombs, bridges and numbers, all of which made little sense at the time, and less later as it transpired. The pack is above all that of course, having been recently bloodied by Acronymph and Cigar at Meijiwu, and now fears nothing. The trail followed the footpath up through the HZ Tyrolean quarter, past one of the three temples until it crossed the little stone bridge and ascended the tea terraces opposite. Doggie was taking bets on how many of the pack would go down on the wet and muddy paths, and most enjoyed a complimentary slide or two on the descent. Back on black top and up to Meiling Rd. for a bit of traffic dodging, before entering “Wild Boar

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